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11 Must Have Items To Bring For Your Dog When Travelling

11 Must Have Items To Bring For Your Dog When Travelling

When you are travelling with your dog you should bring a folder with vaccination records, a dog car seat cover and seatbelt, a foldable dog bed or crate, food, water and dog treats, poop bags, a travel drink bottle and travel bowls, collar, leash and ID tags, a dog first aid kit, some dog toys, a dog towel and a dog travel bag.

1. Folder With Vaccination Records

One of the most important things to bring with you when travelling with your dog is a folder with all of their information inside. This includes vaccination records (super important otherwise your dog won’t be allowed into dog kennels and some other locations), information about any medication your dog is currently or previously taken and information about the closest veterinarian to where you are staying (especially important if you are staying somewhere without reception).

2. Dog Car Seat Cover & Dog Seatbelt

black and white short coated dog on white car

If you are going for a road trip with your dog, a dog car seat cover and a dog seatbelt is an absolute must! It is super scary that the majority of people don’t secure their dog in their car with a seatbelt like everyone else who travels in it. Dogs are an integrals part of the family and require the same amount of treatment and care as everyone else!

In addition to a dog seat belt you can use a dog car seat cover which not only gives your dog an extra layer of protection but also protects your car interior from unwanted scratches and shedded fur!

The best dog seat belts on the market currently are the Kurgo Direct to Seatbelt Swivel Dog Tether, the PetSafe Happy Ride Dog Vehicle Zipline, and the Mighty Paw Dog Seatbelt.

The best dog car seat covers/hammocks are the Dirtbag Dog Seat Cover, the Kurgo Dog Hammock Car Seat Cover (Half Size) and the Gen7Pets Luxury Car Seat Protector.

Read Also: 7 Ways To Restrain A Dog In A Car (Options For All Breeds)

3. Foldable Dog Travel Crate or Bed

There are many options for dog travel crates available in pet stores and online. If you are planning on flying with your dog, I suggest that you read my article on IATA compliant dog travel crates. However if you are just looking for a high quality dog crate that can be used for travelling and for home use I suggest you check out the Diggs dog crates.

The Diggs Revol Dog crate is a super safe dog crate, unlike traditional wire crates, as it has diamond shaped mesh and single piece frame. It is also perfect for travelling as it is flat folding and collapsible.

Shiba Inu dog sitting in a dog crate, with a plant nearby
This is a Diggs Inc. Revol Collapsible Dog Crate! Find Out The Current Price Here!

As for dog beds when travelling, you can either use a specifically designed roll up dog bed for travelling or a plush dog bed that can be doubled up as a dog seat in the car while travelling. MajesticPets sells a fantastic bagel shaped dog bed that is super stylish for your home and works well when travelling. As it goes for roll up dog travel beds you can find various options such as the Petmate Zip N Go Pet Bed or the Ruffwear Highlands Dog Bed.

Or you could go full travelling theme and get your dog a red Furrari dog bed!

4. Food, Water & Dog Treats

Another must have item when travelling with your dog is enough food, water and dog treats. When travelling with dogs I like to section out daily portions of kibble into ziplock bags as it takes the hassle out of measuring it out each day. You could do something similar.

Pro Tip: If you are going camping, check that you will have access to fresh, running water before leaving. Otherwise you might need to bring a lot extra to enough that your dog and yourself stay hydrated.

5. Poop Bags

Poop bags are one of those things that all dog owners forget to pack! To avoid this, you should always have a spare roll of dog poop bags in the glove box of your car. Even better keep a roll of environmentally friendly biodegradable dog poop bags with you!

6. A Travel Drink Bottle & Bowls

person holding green water dispenser with dog drinking on it

Normal metal or ceramic dog bowls are bulky and not the most convenient thing to take when travelling with your dog. Instead you should bring collapsible silicon dog bowls that are super streamline. Another dog product that is useful for travelling are travel dog water bottles.

7. Collar, Leash, ID Tags

A collar, leash and ID tags are must have items when travelling with your dog. Out of these items, a leash is the most common item to be forgotten as many dogs walk to their car off leash.

A dog ID tag is very important incase your dog gets lost. It should have your dog’s name and your mobile phone number on it. If you are worried about your dog’s ID tag falling off I suggest that you get an embroidered dog collar. These collars have your dog’s name and your phone number stitched onto the outside of the collar. If your dog did get lost, the writing is in super clear capital letters so someone will be able to easily help you find your dog!

See Also
dog crate comfortable

A GPS dog collar such as FitBark or OnPoint Systems is a really good idea for more adventurous holidays with your dog such as camping, hiking or when you stay in a place that does not have a secure backyard. These collars have apps on your phone that are connected to the GPS on the collar. You will always know where your dog is with it!

8. Dog First Aid Kit

You never know what is going to happen to your dog while you are on holiday. Make sure that you pack a dog first aid kit that has supplies such as a tick remover, dog cone, bandages, a splint, tweezers and other dog essentials such as any medication your dog is on.

9. Your Dog’s Favourite Toys

Make your dog feel at home while you are on holiday by bringing your dog’s favourite toys. Toys are a fantastic way to keep your dog calm and also occupied in new environments. It’s also a great way to keep your dog entertained during long road trips.

Read Also: How To Keep Your Dog Occupied In Your Car

10. A Towel For Your Dog

running brown dog on grey pathway at daytime

It’s best practise to have a spare towel lying around for your dog because you never know what he/she will get up to. Maybe you will go swimming with your dog on your holiday or maybe your dog will think that rolling in a muddy puddle at the park is a really good idea. One of the best towels that you can get for your dog is a wearable microfibre dog towel.

11. Put It All Together In A Dog Travel Bag

Now that you know what al the must have items for travelling with your dog are, you are going to need a good system for packing it. Products such as the KONG Dog Travel Bag have plenty of compartments to pack all your dog supplies. The best part are the foldable travel dog bowls that come inside the bag that are perfect for storing kibble.

Read Also: The Best Dog Gear Travel Bags – Buyer’s Guide

Further Reading

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