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Bordoodle Size Guide (Toy, Mini, Standard)

Bordoodle Size Guide (Toy, Mini, Standard)

bordoodle sizes

The Bordoodle (AKA Borpoos or Borderpoos) is a cross breed between a Border Collie and a Poodle. As a hybrid breed there can be lots of variation in Bordoodle size depending on the size of their respective parents. The 3 most common Bordoodle sizes are Toy, Miniature and Standard. As it is a relatively new breed, there are no sizing standards so we have provided a Bordoodle size guide below.

If you are interested in Toy, Miniature or Standard Bordoodles, keep reading this article to find out the all the answers to your questions about these sizes!

Cover image credits: @giothebordoodle

Toy Bordoodle

toy bordoodle
Toy Bordoodle via @lynda.gardener

What Is A Toy Bordoodle?

A Toy Bordoodle is a cross between a Toy Poodle and a Border Collie. They are the smallest and least common size of the breed. While the ‘toy’ size is very common for other Poodle mix breeds such as Cavapoos, Cockapoos etc., not many breeders cross Border Collies with Poodles to start with and if they do, they are much more likely to cross Border Collies with a Miniature or Standard Poodles than Toy Poodles.

How Big Does A Toy Bordoodle Get?

When fully grown, Toy Bordoodles get to a height of 15 to 18 inches (38.1cm to 45.7cm) at the shoulder and weigh between 20 and 40 pounds (9.1kg to 18.1kg).

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toy bordoodle
Toy Bordoodle via @luckypenny_thebordoodle

Toy Bordoodle Temperament

Toy Bordoodles are social and intelligent dogs. Even though they are very both kid and dog friendly, you have to monitor them around larger dogs and young kids in case they are partaking in rough play that could lead to injury. This is because their smaller size makes them slightly fragile.

As Toy Bordoodles are so smart they need to get involved in lots of training and exercise each day to keep them occupied and happy otherwise they can become destructive.

toy bordoodle
Toy Bordoodle via @pennylucky_thebordoodle

To prevent destructive behaviour, you can get your dog heaps of interactive toys such as puzzle toys that have hidden treats or the classic Kong toy that you can fill with treats such as peanut butter. There are also really cool electronic products that you can get such as automatic ball launchers to keep your dog occupied playing fetch in the backyard.

In comparison to the other sizes of the breed, there isn’t really any difference in temperament between a Toy, Miniature or Standard sized Bordoodle. That being said, Toy and Miniature Bordoodles are sometimes described as slightly more timid compared to Standard Bordoodles.

Toy Bordoodle Cost

Toy Bordoodles cost between $2000USD and $3500USD. They are more expensive than the standard size of the breed as smaller versions of dog breeds in high demand at the moment. Toy Bordoodles sell for roughly the same price as Miniature Bordoodles.

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Mini Bordoodle

mini bordoodle
Mini Bordoodle via @tessathebordoodle

What Is A Mini Bordoodle?

A Mini Bordoodle is a cross between a Miniature Poodle and a Border Collie. They are the middle size of Bordoodle as they are slightly larger than the Toy Bordoodle and slightly smaller than the Standard Bordoodle.

Mini Bordoodle Temperament

Mini Bordoodles have a similar temperament to the toy and standard size of the breed. They are very loyal and people orientated so they love to be in a family setting. They are both dog and kid friendly.

Mini Bordoodles are also very intelligent as both the Poodle and Border Collie are highly ranked for working and obedience intelligence. This means that they need lots of mental stimulation such as training and exercise each day otherwise they can become bored and destructive. I’ve put lots of suggestions above about what you can do to keep your Bordoodle entertained during the day.

As said before, the size of Bordoodle doesn’t really influence their temperament so the information for the temperament of a Toy, Mini or Standard Bordoodle is the same.

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Mini Bordoodle
Mini Bordoodle via @lunabelle_bordoodle

How Big Does A Mini Bordoodle Get?

When fully grown, Mini Bordoodles get to a height of 18 to 21 inches (45.7cm to 53.3cm) at the shoulder and weigh between 30 and 45 pounds (13.6kg to 20.4kg).

How Much Does A Mini Bordoodle Weigh?

Mini Bordoodles weigh between 30 and 45 pounds (13.6kg to 20.4kg).

Mini Bordoodle Cost

Mini Bordoodles cost between $2000USD and $3500USD. They are more expensive than the standard size of the breed as miniature breeds are trending and in high demand at the moment. There are many factors that influence their price including litter size, coat type and coat color.

Mini Bordoodles have the same price range as Toy Bordoodles.

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Standard Bordoodle

Standard Bordoodle via @stormytheweatherdog

What Is A Bordoodle?

A Standard Bordoodle is a cross between a Standard Poodle and a Border Collie. They are the largest and most common size of the breed.

How Big Is A Standard Bordoodle?

Standard Bordoodles get to a height of 20 to 25 inches (50.8cm to 63.5cm) tall at the shoulder and weigh between 40 and 60 pounds (18.1kg to 27.2kg). They are the largest Bordoodle size.

What Does A Bordoodle Look Like?

Bordoodles have medium length fur that has a slight wave. They come in many colors such as grey, white, black and brown which can be solid coats or a combination of these colors. Bordoodles have a relatively slim build.

Like all other mixed breed dogs, the appearance of a Bordoodle can be quite unpredictable as they can either look more like a Poodle or more like a Border Collie.

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standard bordoodle
Standard Bordoodle via @raven_and_ruby_the_bordoodles

Standard Bordoodle Temperament

Standard Bordoodles are very social and extremely intelligent dogs. They are very friendly being both kid and dog friendly, meaning that they make a great addition to a family. They are also friendly towards strangers however they can at times be a bit apprehensive about meeting new people.

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Both Poodles and Border Collie are very intelligent dogs so it is not surprising that Bordoodles are as well. This makes them very easy to train as they are eager to learn new tricks and impress their owners.

When training your dog it is important to use positive reinforcement techniques as dogs repeat good behavior when it is followed by a reward such as a treat or their favorite toy. Clicker training is another type of positive reinforcement training that is a good method for learning new tricks. You use a clicker device so your dog can associate a new behavior with a click and then a reward.

Unfortunately as Bordoodles are so intelligent, they can easily become bored and then destructive at home if they are not given enough exercise and mental stimulation each day.

To prevent destructive behaviour, you can get your dog heaps of interactive toys such as puzzle toys that have hidden treats or the classic Kong toy that you can fill with treats such as peanut butter. There are also really cool electronic products that you can get such as automatic ball launchers to keep your dog occupied playing fetch in the backyard.

At the end of the day, the size of a Bordoodle does not really affect its temperament and personality. The temperament of a Standard Bordoodle is very similar to that of a Miniature or Toy Bordoodle. Nevertheless, smaller versions of the breed can be more timid and shy.

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standard bordoodle
Standard Bordoodle via @eevee.bordoodle

Standard Bordoodle Cost

Standard Bordoodles cost between $2000USD and $3200USD. They are quite pricey because they are a designer dog breed and not many breeders breed them. There are many factors that influence their price including litter size, coat type and coat color.

Are Bordoodles Hypoallergenic?

Yes, Bordoodles are considered to be a hypoallergenic dog breed. In fact, the original reason why they were bred was to create a dog that had the same personality and temperament as a Border Collie without their shedding coat. Bordoodles are hypoallergenic as they do not release much dander (dead skin cells) into their immediate environment which can irritate allergy sufferers.

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standard bordoodle
Standard Bordoodle via @rosie.bordoodle

What Is A F1 Bordoodle?

A F1 Bordoodle is the first generation of the breed. They are the result of crossing a purebred Border Collie with a purebred Poodle. F1 Bordoodles are 50% Poodle and 50% Border Collie. They have the most hybrid vigor out of all the generations which means that they have the most health benefits of being a cross-breed.

What Is A F2 Bordoodle?

A F2 Bordoodle is a second generation dog. They are the result of crossing a F1 Bordoodle with another F1 Bordoodle. F2 Bordoodles are 50% Poodle and 50% Border Collie so they look pretty much identical to a F1 Bordoodle. Nevertheless, F2 Bordoodles do not have the same hybrid vigor that a F1 Bordoodle has

What Is A F1b Bordoodle?

A F1b Bordoodle is the first cross back generation of the breed. F1b Bordoodles are created by crossing a F1 Bordoodle back to a purebred Poodle. They are 25% Border Collie and 75% Poodle.

F1b Bordoodles and other cross-back generations are much more hypoallergenic than other generations of the breed as they have a higher percentage of Poodle genes. In terms of appearance, they are generally taller and leaner like a Poodle and have curlier fur.

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