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Chocolate Labradoodle Guide: Everything You Need To Know!

Chocolate Labradoodle Guide: Everything You Need To Know!

Chocolate Labradoodles (AKA Chocolate Labrapoos) are a mixed breed dog, the resulting of breeding a Chocolate Labrador Retriever with a Chocolate Poodle. They are a very pretty dog breed with a rich brown coat, dark eyes, floppy ears and brown button nose. It’s no wonder that they are so popular considering their appearance as well as their beautiful nature.

If you are interested in Chocolate Labradoodles keep reading this article to find out all the answers to your questions about this dog breed!

Cover Image Credit: @georgiethelabradudette

What Does A Chocolate Labradoodle Look Like?

Chocolate Labradoodles feature a solid brown coat that can range from a very light to a rich brown tone. Some Chocolate Labradoodles are so dark that they’re almost black while others are more of a milk chocolate or silver-beige color. Their noses and eyes are also brown.

Are Chocolate Labradoodles Rare?

No, Chocolate Labradoodles are not rare. Both the Poodle and the Labrador Retriever can have a brown coat so Labradoodles can inherit this coat color from either parent.

Read Also: Labradoodle Colors Guide (Black, Chocolate, White, Red, Apricot etc.)

chocolate labradoodle
Chocolate Labradoodle via @mylalabradoodle

Chocolate Labradoodle Characteristics

Chocolate Labradoodle Characteristics
HeightDepends on size (Mini, Medium or Standard Labradoodle).
WeightDepends on size (Mini, Medium or Standard Labradoodle).
TemperamentLively, friendly, affectionate, gentle.
Activity LevelsModerate to High.
Exercise Requirements45 to 60 min per day.
Lifespan12 to 15 years.
CoatWavy or curly single brown coat.
EyesBrown or black.
Apartment AdaptabilityDepends on size.
Good with ChildrenYes.

Coat Color Variations

Dark Chocolate Labradoodle

dark chocolate labradoodle
Dark Chocolate Labradoodle via @pearlygirl2019

Dark Chocolate Labradoodles feature a rich, dark brown coat that sometimes so dark that appears to be black unless under sunlight. Dark Chocolate Labradoodles have dark brown noses and dark brown or black eyes.

Phantom Chocolate Labradoodle

phantom chocolate labradoodle
Phantom Chocolate Labradoodle via @miss.poppy.girl

Phantom Chocolate Labradoodles have a coat with a solid chocolate background and patches of tan in very specific locations. These locations include the chin, throat, chest, legs, beneath their tail, above their eyes or on the sides of their muzzle. Phantom Chocolate Labradoodles are different from Chocolate Parti Labradoodle as Parti Labradoodles can have patches anywhere on their body and their base color is white instead of brown.

Phantom Chocolate Labradoodles are are one of the rarest coat colors/patterns as not many Labradoodles perfectly fit the definition of phantom with its strict requirements for the location of markings.

Chocolate Merle Labradoodle

chocolate merle labradoodle
Chocolate Merle Labradoodle via @jasper_themerledood

Merle Labradoodles have a rare coat pattern which features mottled patches of various colors due to the ‘merle’ gene which dilutes what would’ve been a solid coat color into the distinct merle pattern.

Specifically, Chocolate Merle Labradoodles feature a chocolate, copper, beige and white coat in a mottled pattern. Most of their coat is a beige-grey and they feature chocolate, white and copper patches throughout it. Chocolate Merle Labradoodles have light or dark brown noses. In most cases they have light brown eyes however they can sometimes have blue or greenish eyes.

Chocolate Merle Labradoodles are sometimes called Red Merle Labradoodles. Chocolate and Red describe the same liver or brown base coat the Labradoodle would’ve had if the merle gene did not dilute certain sections of it.

Chocolate Parti Labradoodle

chocolate parti labradoodle
Chocolate Parti Labradoodle via @missrubyandlucydoodledog

Chocolate Parti Labradoodles have a white base coat that covers at least 50% of their body with dark brown patches that are usually located on their ears, around their eyes, on their ears, muzzle, legs and on their backs. Like solid Chocolate Labradoodles, the brown patches of a Chocolate Parti Labradoodle can fade. If these changes occur, it will be within the first two years of their lives so the dark brown patches will be light brown, beige or café au lait.

Read Also: Toy Labradoodle Guide: Size, Price, Lifespan, Temperament etc.

chocolate labradoodle
Chocolate Labradoodle via @lizzee.g

Coat Types

There are three main coat types Chocoalte Labradoodles can have: wavy, curly or a straight/flat coat. Wavy and curly coats are the most common while straight or flat coats are seen in Labradoodle generations that have a higher percentage of Labrador Retriever genes than Poodle genes.

Wavy Coat

Wavy coats are very common for Chocolate Labradoodles. Their coats are quite light, loose and shaggy looking and usually ripple when they move. Wavy hair is classified as a fleece type coat.

Curly Coat

Another common coat type for Chocolate Labradoodles is a curly coat. These coats are much denser and thicker than wavy coats and more closely resemble the coat of a Poodle. Curly hair Chocolate Labradoodles are usually more hypoallergenic than other coat types as they shed less and therefore release less dander into their immediate environment. Curly hair is classified as a wool type coat.

Straight Coat

Straight Hair Chocolate Labradoodles look more like Labrador Retreivers than Poodles they have medium length scruffy black coats. There can be variation in what straight coats look like for Labradoodles. Chocolate Labradoodles with straight hair can feature:

  • Medium long fur that grows consistently over the face and body
  • Scruffy fur with tufts of hair sprouting out randomly over the body
  • Straight tufts of hair with a short wavy undercoat
  • Feathering along the tail, legs and face
  • Slick and glossy coat
  • Matte and flat coat
  • Variation in length and thickness of the coat

Read Also: Labradoodles with Straight Hair – Everything You Need To Know

chocolate labradoodle
Chocolate Labradoodle via @outwithpoppy

Coat Color Changes

Do Chocolate Labradoodles Change Color?

Chocolate Labradoodles can change color as they mature if they have inherited the ‘fading’ gene from the Poodle side Their coats usually fade or clear within the first two years of their life so they may end up more of a beige or silver color as an adult.

Chocolate Labradoodles can also fade from spending a lot of time in the sun. They may also go through seasonal coat color changes like lightening in summer.

Chocolate Labradoodle Temperament

Chocolate Labradoodles have a lively and friendly temperament. They are a great addition to families as they are very gentle and get along well with children. Chocolate Labradoodles are often described as being outgoing, playful, curious and eager to please. They are a very intelligent breed and respond very well to training from an early age. As they are a mixed breed dog, their temperament can be more like a Poodle or more like a Labrador Retriever.

Chocolate Labradoodle Lifespan

The average Chocolate Labradoodle lives for 12 to 15 years. There are many factors that affect the lifespan of a Chocolate Labradoodle including size, gender, generation and whether they are desexed or intact. These variables mean they can have shorter or longer lifespans than the average. Read our Labradoodle lifespan guide here to find out how the life expectancy for each Labradoodle size (Mini, Medium, Standard etc.) and each generation (F1, F1b, F1b, F2, F2b etc.).

You can give your Chocoalte Labradoodle the best chance of living a long life by exercising them daily, giving them healthy food and keeping on top of vet appointments.

Chocolate Labradoodle Price

Most Chocolate Labradoodles cost between $2700USD and $3000USD. After Cream/White Labradoodles and Black Labradoodles, Chocolate Labradoodles are about the third most common coat color which is reflected in their relatively low price point. Rare coat colors sell for prices between $3000USD and $3500USD.

Read Also: How Much Does A Labradoodle Cost? (Real Breeder Prices)

chocolate labradoodle
Chocolate Labradoodle via @monty_doodles

Chocolate Labradoodle Shedding

Do Chocolate Labradoodles Shed?

Chocolate Labradoodles do not shed much at all. They only drop a few strands of hairs here and there throughout the year. That is why they are classified as non to low shedders. Cross-back generations of Chocolate Labradoodle such as F1b, F1bb or F2b shed less than F1 Chocolate Labradoodles. 

The best way to reduce the amount that your dog sheds is to regularly brush them. Slicker brushes are great for dogs with single coats and deshedding tools are great for dogs with double coats.

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aussiedoodle price

Are Chocolate Labradoodles Hypoallergenic?

Chocolate Labradoodles are hypoallergenic as they are a low shedding breed and therefore do not release much allergy inducing dander into their surroundings. Chocolate Labradoodles that have a higher percentage of Poodle genes such as F1b Chocolate Labradoodles are even more hypoallergenic than F1 Chocolate Labradoodles.

Read Also: Are Labradoodles Hypoallergenic? (Ultimate Guide)

chocolate labradoodle
Chocolate Labradoodle via @pogidoodle

Chocolate Labradoodle Sizes

The size of a Chocolate Labradoodle depends on the size of Poodle the Labrador Retriever was crossed with. The three most common Chocolate Labradoodle sizes are Mini, Medium and Standard. You can also sometimes find Teacup and Toy Chocolate Labradoodles however they are not as common.

Once your puppy is fully grown you’ll need to start investing in dog products that you’ll keep for their whole life such as:

Mini Chocolate Labradoodle

Mini Chocolate Labradoodles get to a height of 14 to 16 inches (35.6cm to 40.6cm) tall at the shoulder and weigh between 15 and 25 pounds (6.8kg to 11.3kg) when fully grown.

Medium Chocolate Labradoodle

Medium Chocolate Labradoodles get to a height of 16 to 20 inches (40.6cm to 50.8cm) tall at the shoulder. They weigh between 25 and 50 pounds (11.3kg to 22.7kg) when fully grown.

Standard Chocolate Labradoodle

Standard Chocolate Labradoodles get to a height of 20 to 26 inches (50.8cm to 66.0cm) tall at the shoulder and weigh between 50 and 100 pounds (22.7kg to 45.4kg).

Read Also: Labradoodle Size Guide (Mini, Medium & Standard)

chocolate labradoodle
Chocolate Labradoodle via @wybiethelabradoodle

Chocolate Labradoodle Generations

F1 Chocolate Labradoodle

An F1 Chocolate Labradoodle is the first generation of the breed created by crossing a purebred Chocolate Labrador Retriever with either a purebred Toy, Miniature or Standard Poodle. An F1 Chocolate Labradoodle is 50% Labrador Retriever and 50% Poodle.

F1b Chocolate Labradoodle

An F1b Chocolate Labradoodle is created by crossing an F1 Chocolate Labradoodle with a purebred Poodle that is either Toy, Miniature or Standard sized. The resulting dog is 25% Labrador Retriever and 75% Poodle.

F1bb Chocolate Labradoodle

An F1bb Chocolate Labradoodle is a cross between an F1b Chocolate Labradoodle (Labradoodle x Poodle) and a purebred Poodle which can be toy, miniature or standard sized. They are 12.5% Labrador Retriever and 87.5% Poodle.

F2 Chocolate Labradoodle

An F2 Chocolate Labradoodle is the second generation of the breed created by breeding a F1 Chocolate Labradoodle with another F1 Chocolate Labradoodle. They are 50% Labrador Retriever and 50% Poodle.

Read Also: Labradoodle Generations Guide (F1, F1b, F1bb, F2, F2b etc.)

chocolate labradoodle
Chocolate Labradoodle via @labradoodles.hankandearl

Chocolate Labradoodle Names

Chocolate Labradoodle Boy NamesChocolate Labradoodle Girl Names

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