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Easy Ways To Get Sand Out Of Your Dog’s Fur

Easy Ways To Get Sand Out Of Your Dog’s Fur

If you have had a long, enjoyable day at the beach with your dog you might be wondering how you are going to get all the sand out of your dog’s fur. Luckily the seemingly daunting task can be remedied through these simple steps…

So how do you clean sand off a dog? To clean sand off a dog, firstly hose down your dog outside to dislodge as much sand as possible. Next, give your dog a proper bath with mild soap, taking care to massage the sand out of their coat. Then, towel dry your dog and give them a good brush.

Continue reading for full step-by-step instructions

1. Wash Dog Outside With A Hose

To dislodge built up sand in a dog’s coat you need to use some with good water pressure and also a way to wash your dog outside to avoid sand and dirt entering your home. The answer is a hose. Preferably you want to use one with a trigger nozzle with a water jet or shower setting as these settings will help remove the stuck sand.

After giving your dog a preliminary wash, you should towel dry him/her before entering the house. This will not only prevent puddles forming in your hallway but also further loosen any remaining sand in the fur which will in turn make it easier to remove. Most people like to use a specially designed microfibre towel for dogs as they are super fast drying and also gentle on your dog’s skin and fur. Alternatively you can use a wearable dog towel robe if you want to give your dog a more luxurious experience. I really like wearable dog towels as they won’t fall off your dog like an ordinary towel meaning you can let your dog wander around your house without supervision.

Pro Tip: On the way home from the beach you should set up a dog car hammock to protect your car interior from your wet and sandy dog!

2. Give Your Dog A Bath With Mild Shampoo

The next step to removing the more stubborn grains of sand is to give your dog a warm bath with gentle soap or shampoo.

While applying your favourite dog shampoo, take care to gentle massage and lather it all the way down to your dog’s skin. By doing this you will further let to dislodge any sand that is in your dog’s undercoat or attached to the hair follicles or skin cells of your dog. I also suggest that you use a dog bath brush that has soft rubber tips that will be gentle on your dog’s skin and fur but also effectively scrub away all sand, dirt, dead skin and shedding fur.

Don’t forget to rinse your dog off to remove excess soap to avoid skin irritations. Then towel dry your dog again.

3. Towel Dry

Towel drying by vigorously rubbing your dog’s coat down with a plush microfibre towel will further dislodge sand. You must do this step before brushing your dog down to avoid damage to your dog’s fur.

4. Brush Your Dog

Once your dog is dry, you should give him a proper brush. Before doing this you need to make sure that your dog’s fur is fully dry. When you are using a normal day-to-day brush (not a bath brush), your dog’s fur needs to be dry otherwise it will further tangle and potentially snap as it is more brittle when wet. For this step I suggest you use a high quality soft dog brush over a wire dog brush as it will be more gentle.

Another reason why you want your dog’s fur dry is because sand is more easily removed from a dry coat. During this time you will be removing the very last grains of sand that refuse to leave.

5. Repeat

Unfortunately not all sand will be removed from your dog’s fur in one go. It may be necessary to repeat the above steps a few times before it is all gone. If you do need to repeat the steps I suggest that you don’t repetitively wash your dog with soap or shampoo as this will dry out, remove necessary oils and irritate your dog’s skin. It is better to wash with just water or completely skip this step. It is ok to just brush your dog’s fur many times to remove sand.

Frequently Asked Questions About Removing Sand From Dog’s Fur

How do I get sand out of a golden retriever? As a golden retriever has a long coat, it is best to dislodge as much sand as possible by towel drying your dog before giving them a bath. Then, give your golden retriever a proper bath with mild soap, massaging the sand out of their coat.

How do I get sand out of my dog’s eyes? The best way to get sand out of your dog’s eyes is to get a damp cloth and then gently wipe the area around their eyes to dislodge it. You should wipe the eye itself and if the sand doesn’t dislodge consult a vet.

How do you get sand out of a puppy? To get sand out of a puppy, firstly hose him down outside to dislodge as much sand as possible. Next, give your puppy bath with mild soap, taking care to massage the sand out of their coat. Then, towel dry your dog to dislodge the remaining grains.

Can sand irritate dogs skin? Yes, sand can irritate a dog’s skin as it can cause abrasions and even infections if lodged in a wound. Sand can feel uncomfortable as it can cause a dog’s coat to get tangled which leads to excessive scratching. That is why it is important to wash a dog after the beach.

See Also

How do you clean a sandy dog? To clean a sandy dog, firstly hose down your dog outside to dislodge as much sand as possible. Next, give your dog a proper bath with mild soap, massaging the sand out of their coat. Then, towel dry your dog and give them a brush.

How To Prevent Sand Getting Into Your Dog’s Fur For Your Next Beach Visit

Dog Owners Could Face A £100 fine For Taking Their Dog To Beaches In The UK

After going through the hassle of removing all the sand from your dog’s fur, you are probably wondering how you will prevent this from happening next time? While it is inevitable that sand will end up in your dogs luscious coat, here are some preventative measures you can take so the post-beach clean up doesn’t take too long.

1. Keep Your Dog’s Coat Short

The easiest way to prevent sand getting into your dog’s fur is to keep your dog’s coat short, especially during the summer when you are more likely to be going to the beach. Not only will a shorter coat keep your dog nice and cool in the summertime but it will also effectively prevent dirt and sand build up.

Less fur = less sand trapped = less cleaning time!

Pro tip: You don’t even need to spend heaps of money on dog grooming each time before going to the beach. Instead invest in dog clippers and a grooming set to save your money and time in the long run!

2. Brush Your Dog’s Coat Before Going To The Beach

Keeping your dog’s fur in top condition before venturing out to the beach will significantly reduce post beach clean up time. You want to remove all knots, tangles and matted hair to prevent sand and other beach debris finding your dog’s fur as it’s new home.

You also want to brush your dog’s coat before going to the beach as brushing should only be done when the fur is dry. As I mentioned above combing through wet fur will cause it to break or tangle. Reducing the fur tangles before heading to the beach also means it will be easier to brush your dog down (after he/she has been towel dried) at the end of your beach trip as well!

I highly recommend this dog hair brush as it effectively removes all loose undercoat hair, mats and tangled hair which is a pre-beach trip must for all dogs!

Further Reading

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