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17 Must Have Dog Beach Essentials

17 Must Have Dog Beach Essentials


There are a lot more things than what you would think that you need to bring with you to the beach to make sure your dog is safe and has the best time possible.

Essentials Quick List

Transport Essentials

car beach dog

It is very important to make sure your dog is safe when travelling to the beach. For most dog owners, the car is the best method of transport to your day out location and there are many ways you can make sure your dog is safe when travelling by car. I recommend using a dog harness and seatbelt set in the car as it will secure your dog just like any other passengers. This will make sure that your dog won’t get thrown around the back seat if you suddenly put the brakes on while driving to the beach.  

Secondly, you should consider investing in a waterproof dog car seat cover. This will protect your car from your dog’s fur but also specifically from any dirt, sand and mud your dog will bring into the car after his/her day out at the beach. It can also act as a second layer of protection for your dog on top of a dog harness and seatbelt as it creates a barrier over the car footwell and also a barrier between the front and back seats.

Beach Entertainment Essentials

Once you are at the dog friendly beach you want your dog to have the best time of his/her life. You can achieve this by bringing many toys and other dog products to the beach. 

Just because a toy says it’s waterproof, it doesn’t mean it will float.

It’s quite disappointing if you throw a toy into the ocean to play fetch with your dog and then it sinks to the ground. I suggest going to your local pet shop or online to find dog toys that are made of foam or are hollow and will float.

I suggest this foam floating dog toy and also these hollow fetch balls. I own one of these balls and it’s a fantastic design. The hollow design with the hole in the side means your dog won’t be able to chew it up.

dog beach essentials

Safety Risks & Essentials To Prevent Them

There are many dangers for dogs at the beach but also many products to keep your dog safe. It is really good to be aware of some of the risks of going to the beach before you go. 

These include:


Don’t assume that all dogs can swim or that all dog breeds are strong swimmers. Breeds such as bulldogs, pugs and dachshunds are not strong swimmers because of their anatomy. Even if your dog is a strong swimmer you need to be aware of strong currents, tides and large waves at the beach. Always be watching your dog while you are swimming and assess for changing conditions. It’s a good idea to encourage your dog to doggy paddle where he/she can stand. For dogs that are not such strong swimmers you can buy dog floatation vests to aid them. 

Salt Poisoning

It is possible for dogs to get poisoned from ingesting too much salt. There are lots of parasites and bacteria in water which can make them sick. If you notice your dog is drinking salt water, make him/her leave the swimming area and come back onto the sand area. Encourage him/her to drink fresh water from a dog travel water bottle. You can prevent this happening in the future by encouraging your dog to drink before swimming.


Don’t let your dog’s luscious long coat make you think that your dog can not get burned by the sun UV rays because just like humans, dogs can be affected by sunburn. That being said, certain dog breeds are more susceptible to sunburn. Breeds that have a short coat, white fur or no fur are more likely to get burned than other types. Areas that are not covered in fur such as noses can also be burned. You can prevent dog sunburn with sun creams just like you would for people however you need to look for ones that are specifically for dogs. Dog sunscreen should not have zinc oxide (used in human sunscreen but toxic for dogs) and fragrance free. You can also get dog sun goggles to protect your dog’s eyes from damaging UV rays. 

Hot Sand

If the sand is too hot for you to walk barefoot on it is too hot for your dog’s paws as well. It’s best to avoid the dog beach during the middle of the day when the sand is at its hottest. Go to the beach early in the morning or in the afternoon. If your dog’s paws do get burned from hot sand you can soothe the pain with dog paw balm

Foreign Objects

There are so many foreign objects on the beach and many of them are quite tempting for dogs to smell and maybe eat. These objects could be discarded fishing hooks, left over food, shells, dead fish, rubbish etc. It’s important to be risk aware and not let your dog touch these as there are many injuries that could occur. Bring along a dog first aid kit to the beach to be safe (I wrote an article about dog first aid kits you can read it here) and if you don’t trust your dog off leash bring a dog bungee leash so you can enjoy the beach hands free. Also consider investing in a pair of waterproof dog booties as not all dog beaches are glorious white sand and clear aqua water. This will protect your dog from sharp rocks and dangerous objects in murky water.

Heat Exhaustion

It can get quite hot in the middle of the day for your dog running around like crazy up and down sand dunes with other dogs. You can give your dog some shade with a dog sun tent to give him/her a place to cool down at the beach.

Dog Clean Up Essentials

After a long day at the beach your dog is sure to be dirty, wet and sandy. Before you get into your car to go home for the day you can clean up your dog so you don’t bring remnants home. There are many products to clean your dog.

See Also
dog front basket

Dog wipes are good to clean your dog if he/she isn’t very dirty. They are also handy to wipe the sand out of your dog’s eyes. 

A microfibre dog towel is good for quickly drying your dog after a swim. 

You should bring extra leashes, collars and harnesses to change your dog into after a swim. Wet collars, leashes and harness can be uncomfortable for dogs and also smell really bad.

If your dog is really dirty after swimming and playing in the sand, you can bring along a portable outdoor dog shower. The one I recommend is a nozzle that attaches to your drink bottle which makes it really easy to wash your dog when you’re out and about.

The final product I suggest for keeping your dog clean is a portable paw cleaner. It’s a cylindrical tube with silicone bristles inside. You simply put your dog’s paw inside and twist it around with water. 
Please remember to pick up your dog’s poop while you are at the beach because stepping in it is not a nice experience.  It’s a good idea to recycle your plastic grocery bags as dog poop bags or buy environmental corn-based bags.

tootsie the dalmatian at the beach
Tootsie at the Beach

Extra Fun

This definitely not essential for a day at the beach with your dog however it can be a lot of fun and is really cute. You can buy your dog a beach themed costume. My suggestions:

dog shark hat costume
Dog Shark Hat Costume

I have to say that the shark themed costume pieces are my favourite. Would 100% buy for my dog!

PS. Remember to bring your camera to take instagram worthy photos of your dog at the beach 🙂

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